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What is 4B?

No Sex with Men

비섹스; 非sex; bisekseu

Avoid STDs, pregnancy, violence, and rape. Prioritize personal safety and well-being over men's approval.

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No Giving Birth

비출산; 非出産; bichulsan

Don't give birth to future oppressors. Don't use your body as a vessel for men's interests.

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No Dating Men

비연애; 非戀愛; biyeonae

Prioritize yourself and your independence. Build communities with like-minded women.

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No Marriage With Men

비혼; 非婚; bihon

Find purpose without a man. Do not submit to men or become their property.

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What does 6B add?

No Buying Sexist Products

비소비; 非消費; Bisobi

Refuse to buy sexist products and challenge biases against women in consumer culture. Support women-led companies and female-made products.

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Support Fellow 4B Women

비돕비; 非돕非; Bidopbi

Support other women who are following the 4B movement. Build female-only communities for single women to live, work, and socialize in, offline and online.

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What is 4T?

Reject Sexist Beauty Standards

탈코르셋; 脫corset; Talkoreuset

Reject societal expectations that tie harmful beauty practices to self-worth. Embrace your true self and support others who defy harmful beauty standards.

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Reject Sexist Otaku Culture

탈오타쿠; 脫otaku; Tarotaku

Reject otaku culture that demeans or devalues women. Advocate for media that respects and represents women authentically.

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No Religion

탈종교; 脫宗敎; Taljonggyo

Reject the constraints of organized religion and its influence on personal freedom. Choose to live by principles of feminism and critical thinking.

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Reject Idol Culture

탈아이돌; 脫idol; Taraidol

Reject the cycle of obsession and unattainable standards that idol culture perpetuates. Demand respect for artists as human beings, not just as entertainment commodities.

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Support the Movement

Help us turn 4B into a worldwide phenomenon