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No Giving Birth

The body is not a vessel for the perpetuation of systems that oppress and exploit. End the practice of giving birth, a process that serves the interests of men and patriarchy. Refuse to create the next generation of oppressors. Your body is yours alone—its purpose is not to fulfill the demands of a male-dominated society.

Do Not Give Birth to Future Oppressors

The act of giving birth should not be a contribution to a cycle of oppression. Society has conditioned women to believe that motherhood is a noble, inevitable role, but in reality, it often serves as a means to perpetuate male dominance. By giving birth, the potential exists to bring future oppressors into the world, perpetuating a patriarchal system that subjugates women. Reject this role, and choose instead to protect your body from such burdens.

Refuse to Be a Vessel for Men’s Interests

Do not allow your body to be exploited for the reproductive demands of men. Patriarchal societies have long manipulated women into seeing their primary purpose as bearers of children, a role designed to serve the interests of men. Refuse to let your body be used in this way. You are not a tool for furthering male legacies or interests. Your autonomy comes first, and it is essential to preserve that freedom by rejecting the expectation of childbirth.

Recognize the Harms of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not just a temporary inconvenience; it is an act that physically tears the body apart, causing injuries that can last a lifetime. The strain of pregnancy and childbirth often leads to irreversible damage to physical and mental health. The suffering endured through this process is too often dismissed or minimized by a society that expects women to sacrifice their well-being for reproduction. Prioritize personal health and autonomy, and reject the unnecessary harm of pregnancy and birth.

Reject Societal Conditioning on Motherhood

Motherhood is often glorified as a natural and expected role for women, but this narrative is a construction of a patriarchal society. Reject the pressure to conform to these expectations. The role of a mother is often one that drains women of their freedom, health, and agency, tying them to responsibilities that exist solely for the benefit of others. True freedom comes from rejecting the narrative that motherhood is the ultimate purpose of a woman’s life.

Live Freely Without Reproductive Obligations

Women are not obligated to fulfill societal or reproductive roles that have been imposed on them. Choose autonomy over conformity. Your body is not a tool to serve men’s interests, nor is it a vessel to bear the burdens of future generations of oppressors. Live life on your terms, free from the expectation of motherhood and childbirth.

Final Proclamation

End the cycle of reproduction that perpetuates patriarchal systems of oppression. Do not allow the body to be used as a vessel for future oppressors. The era of giving birth to fulfill societal and male expectations is over. No Giving Birth. Reclaim your autonomy, reclaim your body, and reject the demands of a system that does not serve your well-being.