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No Sex With Men

Reclaim your body and life from the chains of societal expectations and male approval. Prioritize safety, health, and autonomy above all else.

Prevent STDs and Pregnancy

By refusing to engage in sexual activity with men, the risk of sexually transmitted infection is eliminated, ensuring protection from the diseases that disproportionately affect women worldwide.

Pregnancy must be avoided. Contraception is not foolproof, and the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy can bind one to obligations that undermine freedom.

Pregnancy is not only an unwanted consequence—it is extremely harmful to the female body. It tears the body apart, leading to lifelong injuries, and often causes irreparable physical and emotional damage. The toll of pregnancy goes far beyond temporary discomfort, affecting the entire future. Moreover, pregnancy may result in giving birth to future male oppressors, perpetuating cycles of violence and domination against women. Avoid the risks of pregnancy entirely by abstaining from sex with men.

Reject Violence and Coercion

Do not tolerate the threat of violence or coercion from men. Too many women live under the shadow of sexual violence, abuse, and manipulation within relationships. Declare sovereignty by rejecting situations where these threats loom. Personal safety is non-negotiable, and one way to ensure that is by refraining from engaging with men sexually.

Stand as the sole authority over your body, and be answerable to no one.

Prioritize Well-Being Over Male Approval

Do not seek validation from men or conform to the toxic belief that worth is tied to relationships with them. Society has long conditioned women to believe that fulfillment is only achieved through male approval or romantic partnership. Reject this lie entirely.

Worth is intrinsic, and happiness does not hinge on male attention. Instead, focus on personal growth, career success, friendships, and hobbies that bring true joy. These are the pillars of a fulfilled life—not the fleeting approval of men.

Combat Societal Conditioning

Challenge and dismantle the societal norms that demand women engage in relationships with men to be valued or complete. These expectations are relics of an oppressive system. Do not bend to such narratives.

Hold fast to independence and sovereignty. Society must evolve on terms where women are not defined by their relationships with men but by their individual achievements and aspirations. Women are whole, powerful beings, and no relationship status alters that truth.

Live Freely and Without Fear

Women have the right to live without fear of judgment or harm for their decisions. Abstaining from sex with men is a choice made in service of health, safety, and autonomy. This path enables life to be lived on individual terms, free from male constraints or societal pressure.

Explanations are not owed. Compliance is not owed. Adherence to outdated norms is not required. Live a life where well-being is paramount, safety is guaranteed, and autonomy is absolute.

Final Proclamation

Uphold the right to live without male demands or intrusions. Take control of the body, protect health, and place safety and happiness above all else. No one is owed compliance, and no obligation exists to conform to outdated expectations.

The era of seeking approval or risking safety for societal expectations is over. No Sex With Men. Live free, live powerful, live sovereign.