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Support Fellow 4B Women

The 4B movement—focused on rejecting relationships with men, prioritizing female autonomy, and building women-centered communities—requires unwavering solidarity. Give support to fellow women in the movement. Build and nurture communities where women can live, work, and socialize free from the influence of men. Create spaces that celebrate female independence and foster collective empowerment.

Support Women Committed to the 4B Movement

Stand in solidarity with women who have chosen to reject traditional relationships and roles imposed by patriarchy. These women have made a courageous choice to prioritize their autonomy, safety, and well-being. Provide support by building communities of like-minded women where shared values of independence and mutual respect are upheld. In this way, women can thrive without the influence of male expectations.

Build Female-Only Spaces

Create and nurture spaces that are exclusively for women, both online and offline. These spaces should be safe havens where women can work, live, and socialize without the threat of male dominance or intrusion. From work environments to social networks, prioritize the development of women-centered communities that allow for true freedom and collaboration. These spaces are vital for fostering female empowerment and creating bonds that strengthen the movement.

Foster Independence and Cooperation

Within these female-only spaces, encourage mutual support and cooperation. The 4B movement thrives when women come together to uplift each other, share resources, and create opportunities. Develop systems of cooperation—whether in housing, work, or social initiatives—that allow women to fully break free from patriarchal structures and depend solely on one another for growth and advancement. Independence does not mean isolation; instead, it means working together in solidarity.

Promote Female Autonomy

Celebrate and promote female autonomy at every opportunity. The 4B movement is centered on reclaiming control over one’s life, free from the constraints of relationships with men. Support this autonomy by ensuring that all women in the movement have the tools, resources, and encouragement needed to live independently. This includes supporting financial independence, emotional well-being, and personal growth.

Create and Participate in Female-Only Networks

Expand and strengthen female-only networks both online and offline. These networks are essential for the survival and success of the 4B movement. Participate in forums, collectives, and support groups where women share experiences, ideas, and resources without fear of judgment or interference. Build a global network of women who are dedicated to the principles of the 4B movement, ensuring that support is always available wherever it is needed.

Final Proclamation

Stand by women who follow the 4B movement. Build female-only spaces, foster cooperation, and promote female autonomy at every turn. Support Fellow 4B Women. Together, create a world where women live freely and independently, supported by one another and unburdened by patriarchal systems.